May 17, 2012

Seven secrets of how to lose weight after giving birth

Quite often a woman after giving birth can save the former slender figure. Most of the gain 3.4 pounds, for some people, excess weight become a real problem and the reason for the experience. How to lose weight after giving birth, if, prior to pregnancy, when enough time for themselves and fitness, lose a few pounds it was a real problem, but now as much as 10 or even more?

However, nutritionists and endocrinologists say that the weight of more than 13 kg, collected over the entire period of pregnancy and continuing for 6 months after birth, is a major reason for the subsequent development of obesity. The accumulated weight, like a magnet attracts fellows, and to the same surplus for the year adds another 8-9 kg. If you decide to return to their former shape after childbirth, weight loss should not be delayed, citing employment and breastfeeding: the fight against obesity must begin now.

At what points you should pay attention if you are sure to lose weight after giving birth.

1. The most common cause of recruitment and retention of excess weight after delivery is the wrong diet. A young mother, with maximum attention to your child, completely forget about full meal, satisfying hunger "leftovers" from the children's table, sandwiches, canned goods and other harmful products. It turns out that you did not really eat, but plumper. In order to lose weight after giving birth, you must develop the habit, in that no matter what to eat 4-5 times a day. Breakfast should be pretty tight, lunch in 13-14 hours, and dinner no later than 18 hours. Snacking in between meals can be green tea or unsweetened fruit.

2. Breast-feeding - there is no reason for two. A quantitative characteristic of maternal nutrition does not affect the quality and quantity of milk. What matters is that the food was full and satisfied the need for basic materials, vitamins, trace elements. The number of drunk per day of liquid should be at least 2 liters; it will support the required level of lactation. In addition, the feeling of thirst is often stimulates the emergence of feelings of hunger, so if there was a desire to eat in between meals, it is better first to drink water or unsweetened tea.

3. As usual, to lose weight after giving birth should be excluded from food fried and fatty food, smoked, spicy, spicy, pickled foods. Preferred cooked food should be cooking for a couple, baking or stewing. Sweets in moderation are allowed up to 12 hours of the day. For lunch, eat more meat or fish with vegetables; prefer pasta from durum flour, porridge with vegetable sauce. At the dinner is a limited dairy product, or any other protein food with no garnish or vegetables and fruit. It is important during lactation take extra vitamins or special biological supplements for nursing mothers.

4. Of course, for effective weight loss after delivery is needed exercise. It is not necessary to refer to employment - this is just a way to justify laziness. Fifteen minutes to charge there, even in the most caring moms and ideal housewives. Forget about the idea of ​​"put" baby in a stroller on the balcony. Hiking with a child - a great way to lose weight. Walking at a brisk pace for 2 or 3 hours will eliminate the same amount of calories that a three-hour session on the simulator, it is important only to choose the right walking shoes and clothes. No one has canceled the special exercises for housewives with a mop and a vacuum cleaner - a great way to strengthen the abs, back muscles, arms and legs. After a couple of months after giving birth can already be thinking about visiting a sports club. But even if you do not leave the child with whom you can buy a disc with a set of exercises and study at home. If we can break out at the gym, choose to start swimming lessons on a stationary bike, elliptical trainer or treadmill for a change can be like dancing and yoga. A little later, a month or two, you are ready to force loads.

5. To effectively lose weight after childbirth is important mental attitude. Lose weight should not because a friend called you fat and not to get into old jeans. Need to find a good reason to lose weight, for example, your health, your sex appeal and love of a spouse.

6. Do not try to program myself, do not put a time frame did not invent penalties for failures in trying to set a specific rate of weight loss. Only optimistic every day will surely come to the target. Rejoice every kilogram lost, and even that can hold its own weight. Invigorate them by saying that short-term gain and "risers" occur because of hormonal changes of transient, for example, before menstruation or during ovulation. When the hormones returned to normal, sudden weight gain will go and carry with them a few hundred grams.

7. If the weight gain after birth is high, if the body weight continues to increase, on the face, chest, anterior abdominal wall, hands, hips, back, had dark coarse hair, consult a doctor. These symptoms are not simply testifying about obesity. They talk about serious endocrine disorders that can cause severe health consequences. Lose weight in this case can only cope with the disease and to normalize hormones.
Lose weight after childbirth is easy! There are no special secrets! It is only necessary to set a proper purpose, and insisted to go to them, in spite of all the imaginary obstacles.

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